
Hey, you!

Thanks for stopping by, really.

They say that landing pages are crucial. It’ll either make a great first impression or scare everyone away. If you are reading this, I’d say I’m doing very good. Let’s get to it, shall we?

In the About section you’ll find a rough idea of who you are dealing with. And if you are looking for my posts, head straight to the Blog. In the meantime, here’s a few things I’m currently working on. There’s more in the Timeline section.

Employment · — Now Head of Engineering at aleno My day-to-day work focuses on enabling others to work effectively but also being a part of the development team using Meteor, GraphQL, MongoDB, and React (yep, there’s a ton of other things in our stack).

Package · — Now changestream-to-redis (Docker, GitHub) Automatically publish MongoDB changes to Redis for Meteor.

Framework · — Now Meteor.js (GitHub, link) Core contributor and community leader focused on the async Blaze templates, MongoDB integration, better TypeScript support, and Fibers removal.

Employment · — Now Student Researcher at University of Wrocław (link) National Science Centre, Poland. Project number: NCN OPUS 2021/41/B/ST6/03691.

Education · — Now Computer Science, PhD studies at University of Wrocław (link) General Game Description Language Based on Finite Automata.

Package · — Now ranges-set (GitHub, npm) Set operations on human-friendly ranges.